New Applications

In order to arrange electricity connection to your newly built residential premises or a new connection to your existing premises:

  1. Contact your local licensed electrical contractor or electrician who will determine your connection needs.
  2. Then contact your nearest PNG Power office (Mon to Fri, 8.00am - 4.30pm) to discuss your connection needs with a Customer Care Representative.
  3. Your licensed electrical contractor must submit a Completion Notice Form to the relevant office. Your contractor can pick up this form at their nearest PNG Power office or download a PDF copy
  4. You must then lodge an Application for Electricity Supply, which you can download here. You must also provide with the application:
    - Any of the following identification (Passport, Driver’s License, Employee ID, Birth   Certificate, etc.)
    - Proof of title/Landlord Consent

All applications will be assessed and once wiring works is completed, you are required to pay a refundable customer deposit fee. The connection of power supply to your residence will depend on the PNG Power Inspectors who will come and check the works carried out by your electrical contractor which must be in compliance to PNG Power safety standards.

Download Forms

  • Application for electricity supply (company) | download pdf
  • Application for electricity supply (easipay) | download pdf

Existing customers

If you are moving into an existing home or premise that is already connected with power but wish to have the account registered in your name, then you are required to present the following:

  • Passport photo
  • Proof of title/Landlord's Consent
  • Identification (Employee ID / Passport / Driving License)
  • A fee depending on the power requirements for the premises and your previous account.

Upon presenting the above at any of our Customer Care Office, you will be advised further on which forms to fill. Remember, it is illegal to use power under someone else’s name.

Connecting customers

In order to arrange electricity connection to your newly built residential premises or a new connection to your existing premises, contact your local licensed electrical contractor or electrician who will determine your connection needs.

Then contact PNG Power in person (Mon to Fri, 8.00am - 4.00pm) to discuss your connection needs with a Customer Care Representative. Your licensed electrical contractor must submit a completed Form A to the relevant PPL Center. Your contractor can access an application form online so download a PDF copy. You must then lodge an Application for Easipay (Download Application Form) or Application for Credit Meter (Download an Application Form).

If the Customer Service representative advises that a supply suitable for your connection need is available, you must:

  • produce a current and acceptable form of identification (Drivers Licenses, Employer ID, Land Rates Notices, Contract of Sale of House and Land and/or Birth Certificate);
  • provide credit history information;
  • pay any applicable fees and charges;
  • provide contact details for billing purposes;
  • provide contact details for the owner (or owner’s agent) of the premises if the application is for a rental property;
  • satisfy PNG Power Ltd that there is safe and convenient access to any meter that is to be used to measure the supply of electricity;
  • in the case of a connection, satisfy that there is safe and convenient access to the electrical installation in order to connect it to PNG Power Ltd electricity distribution network;
  • the electrical installation is in a safe condition and is ready to receive the required amount of electricity to be supplied to that person;
  • provide estimated electrical load information for the proposed use of electricity;
  • provide a security deposit; and
  • pay all and any outstanding debt owed by the person relating to the previous supply or sale of electricity to the person (other than a debt the subject of a bona fide dispute, or for which repayment arrangements have been made).

IPA registration certificates for companies

  • Companies are to provide IPA registration certificates and providing a listing of all directors.
  • Multiple names (company partners, husband/wife, shared accommodation)
  • On application, consumers are to supply details of spouse for domestic installation. Companies on application are to provide, names and addresses of directors, registration certificates.

Payment of Bond

Connection Fees, Line and Service Fees the payment of the relevant bond and other charges as stipulated (i.e. domestic or general supply) must be paid prior to connecting of new connection. The other charges are connection fees and Line and Service Fees. Download the Tariffs form

Rural Residential Connection

If your home is based in the rural areas please see our information on rural property connections.

Remote residential connection

If your home is in a remote area and is not connected to the main grid, we can help you with the design and installation of a Stand-alone Power Supply system which incorporates renewable energy sources and can help to reduce your reliance on diesel generators.

New connections to your Rural Property

A new electricity connection to a rural property will require the extension of the PNG Power network or use of the existing network. This may involve extending the high voltage lines, the installation of a transformer and/or the installation of the Minimal Supply Kits (MSK). In order to arrange a new connection:

  1. Contact PNG Power Customer Care in person or by telephone 325 1933 or 325 9609 (Mon-Fri, 8.00am – 5.00pm) who will determine your connection needs.
  2. If the Customer Care Representative advises that a supply suitable for your connection needs is available;
  3. If you are within an existing PNG Power network, you will most likely be advised to apply for the Minimal Supply Kit (MSK). The MSK is suitable for those in the rural areas who need electricity supply only for their light and entertainment appliances. First of all;  
    - You will need to fill out a Minimum Supply Kit (MSK) Application Form (Download a Copy). 
    - You must then lodge the MSK Application Form with PNG Power.
  4. PNG Power will advise you if your application has been approved or not. PNG Power will also advise you of payment details and when your application is processed, PNG Power electricians will come and install your MSK so you can start receiving power supply.